
U.S. Water Response To COVID-19

Given the gravity and dynamic nature of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we would like to advise you of our current actions and policy. To that end, this communication focuses on two major aspects, Health & Safety, and Product Supply.

Health & Safety
Our company’s top priority is the safety of our employees, their families, and the well-being of the customers we serve. We are continuing to monitor and following the guidance of the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as state guidance for preventative measures and travel advisories.

Our plan and implementation includes but is not limited to the following recommended preventative measures:

  • Eliminate shaking of hands
  • Sneezing into the crease of your arm or into a disposable tissue
  • Washing your hands regularly with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 sec
  • Using hand sanitizer when hand washing is not an option
  • Use surface sanitizers to wipe down frequently handled items such as phones, door handles, common spaces, etc.
  • Avoid touching face, eyes, nose
  • Promote and practice social distancing
  • Encourage the use of teleconferencing and web conferencing in place of meetings where possible.
  • Minimize business travel
  • If traveling for personal reasons, self-report if that travel includes outside the United States

Additionally, we have instructed our employees who may have been exposed to the Coronavirus, that they should wait until the results are back from the individual who may be positive. This is likely 2-5 days before determining whether they should come back to work. If not positive, the employee can come back to work.

If an employee has been with someone who was confirmed as testing positive, we ask them to stay home for the 14- day period and work remotely if possible.

If employees are ill (such as cold or common flu) and not sure whether they have the Coronavirus, we ask that they wait until they are symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to work and they should follow their healthcare provider’s recommendations for treatment. If they continue to get worse and are exhibiting Coronavirus symptoms, we recommend they contact their doctor to determine whether a test should be completed. Again, they will stay at home since they have symptoms during this period while they await test results.

Finally, most of our customers have implemented their own response, guidelines and plans for managing the pandemic.  As such, all of our personnel are mindful to respect and be compliant with their customers’ requirements of them as a supplier. Specifically, for our field employees, visits to customer locations should be confirmed with the customer in advance. We will utilize our best practices for remotely servicing of our customers.

Product Supply
We recognize the importance of making sure our customers have the appropriate levels of inventory on hand to maintain their critical systems. All of our customers are encouraged to review their current product inventory, and make sure they are adequately stocked to minimize the potential for shortages and emergency orders during this time. Our field representatives are all working with their customers in this regard.

Supply chains are being taxed globally across all businesses and industries, therefore we have taken measures in the following three areas …

  • Supply chain
  • Production facilities
  • Product deliveries

We have taken special measures to extend stocking levels of our raw material needs beyond our normal levels, especially for higher risk materials, to reduce the production and delivery risk associated with our products.  We are also working with our suppliers to affirm they have increased their own stocking levels to meet our demand. The majority of our supply chain companies have multiple options for their production in various geographies in order to maintain business continuity during these situations. In addition, we always work to have alternate suppliers in place, ready to fill gaps should the need arise.

In terms of our own production facilities, if one or more plants were not able to produce, there is adequate capacity among multiple production facilities across the country that can provide the requisite volume. Warehousing, beyond that at our own production facilities, has alternatives in place, often locally.

For deliveries made by internal drivers from our own fleet, we have back-up personnel, and are developing the option to utilize outsourced resources if necessary.

We have taken these measures and wanted to communicate them to you, our valued customer, so that you know we value your well-being and your business. 

As you likely know, effective April 1, U.S. Water will become part of a new company, 精东影业. If you have any questions concerning our response or policies with respect to COVID-19, please feel free to contact us at coronavirus@uswaterservices.com.

LaMarr Barnes
Chief Executive Officer

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